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Consequences Verses Forgiveness
All through the Bible, God encourages us to stay away from sin, not because He’s an overbearing rule-maker who demands our unquestioning obedience to His every word, but because of the consequences that follow our decisions. He wants to forgive us and waits to forgive us, but His forgiveness isn’t[…]
Dealing with Stress
How many of us have had stress tangibly build up inside us, in a short time, until we felt like we were having an anxiety attack? Maybe it even was an anxiety attack. Scary! As Christians we’re not supposed to suffer from stress, fear, and anxiety, right? How many places[…]
What About Rehearsal?
We rehearse what we’re going to say all the time, don’t we? We may have a mental dialog about a meeting presentation we have to give later that day, or about an important phone call we have to make. Or maybe we rehearse what we’re going to say to convince[…]
Are We Like Gideon?
If you have the option to read through Judges 6 and 7 (it’s short, don’t worry), it will make the rest more enjoyable. Let’s set the scene: the Midianites had been oppressing Israel because they did evil in the sight of the LORD. Whatever the Israelites had, the Midianites and[…]